Licenta R1 2024

Data Ora An SERIA Disciplina Titular Profesor Asistent Sala
03 Jun 2024 08:00 1 DA Physics Conf.Dr.Ing. TOMA Cristian-Ghiocel S.l.Dr.Ing. Pusca Stefan Lucian AN026
11 Jun 2024 13:00 1 DA Communication Lect.Dr. Gabriela-Beatrice COTET Costel Emil Coteț CB017
04 Jun 2024 09:00 1 DA Computer Programming 2 Conf.Dr.Ing. SPANU Paulina Vlad Gheorghiță CB203
03 Jun 2024 17:00 1 DA European Culture and Civilization - Op1 Lect.Dr. COTOARA Maricica-Daniela Lector drAdelin Costin Dumitru BN314
05 Jun 2024 10:00 1 DA Sport S.L.Dr. PRICOP Adrian-Daniel NULL Sala sport
05 Jun 2024 10:00 2 DA Technical Drawing BOTEZ Corina As.Dr.Ing. BOTEZ Sorin-Constantin BN327
05 Jun 2024 08:00 2 DA Mechanics of Materials 2 Prof.Dr.Ing. PASTRAMA Stefan-Dan Neagoe Catalin AN015
05 Jun 2024 08:00 2 DA Probability and Statistics Prof.Dr. PITEA Ariana Conf. dr. Teodor Turcanu AN026
03 Jun 2024 09:00 2 DA Computer Aided Design 1 Conf.Dr.Ing. ULMEANU Mihaela-Elena Sl.Dr.Ing. DUGĂEŞESCU Ileana CB003B
11 Jun 2024 13:00 2 DA Computer Programming 3 (Databases) S.L.Dr.Ing. PARPALA Lidia-Florentina Popa Laurentiu CB017
02 Jun 2024 09:00 2 DA Tolerances Design Prof.Dr.Ing. Nicolae IONESCU Sl. Dr. Ing. Daniel Manolache CD008
11 Jun 2024 10:00 2 DA Economics Conf.Dr. Corina DUMITRESCU Adelina Stan BN219
10 Jun 2024 09:00 2 DA Computer Aided Design 2 S.L.Dr.Ing. TARBA Ioan-Cristian As. Drd. ing. Cornel Enciu CB112
03 Jun 2024 10:00 2 DA Machine elements Prof.Dr.Ing. RADULESCU Alexandru-Valentin Geanina Mateescu CG023
06 Jun 2024 08:00 2 DA Modelling and simulation - Op2 Prof.Dr.Ing. Dan-Mihai CONSTANTINESCU Apostol Dragos Alexandru CA009
01 Jun 2024 11:00 3 DA Mechanical Systems Design As.Dr.Ing. ROTARU Alexandra Conf.Dr.Ing. TABARA Iulian JC110
04 Jun 2024 10:00 3 DA Instrumentation and Measurement Conf.Dr.Ing. SPANU Paulina Vlad Gheorghiță CB203
10 Jun 2024 09:00 3 DA System and Project Management Conf.Dr.Ing. ROSU Maria-Magdalena Tiriplica Petre CD008
07 Jun 2024 10:00 3 DA Manufacturing Processes 1 S.L.Dr.Ing. MANOLACHE Daniel-Silviu Asist. drd. ing. LAZAR Marius CO011
11 Jun 2024 10:00 3 DA Computer Aided Engineering Prof.Dr.Ing. PUPAZA Cristina Tudor ALEXANDRU CO006